Thursday, October 25, 2007
Primary Presentation in the land of Togo
We were able to visit Togo with President and Sister Dil of the Ghana Cape Coast Mission. It is a French speaking country. While there we visited two branches on Sunday. This is the primary in one of the branches and they gave their Sacrament Meeting presentation that day. Formidable!!! Each one was well prepared and most gave their part from memory. Their group was small...but they sang with all their hearts. The music was led by one of the small girls. It confirmed what we already had learned...that Primary helps develop confident, able children, who love their Heavenly Father, all over the world.
You may not recognize this motley crew out of uniform(white shirt and tie). They are in order: President Nielson, President Dil, Elder Gillis and Elder Bayly. Elder Findlay chose not to brave the blistering sun to chase a little ball. The Dils felt a little they come from New Zealand and the other four couples come from Alberta, mostly, we were speaking Canadian...EH!