Thursday, October 25, 2007
Our Present Group - 31 of the best!!
These missionaries arrived on October 19 - to a well painted, well cleaned, well equipped facilityand newly refreshed Mission President and Wife. The break (and we'll publish a couple of blogs if this continues to work) was wonderful, but we are so grateful now to have missionaries back in the MTC - truly it is these young people that make this place so wonderful.
This group comes from: United States (5) - Elder Simmonds (Utah), Elder Morriss (Washington), Elder Waite (Nevada), Elder Merrill (Utah), and Elder Hurst (Utah); Ghana (2) - Elder Mereku and Elder Asamoah; Nigeria (5) - Elder Etefia, Elder Essien, Sister Ohagwasim, Sister Omokaro-Benson, Elder Odigie; Togo (1) - Elder Djoka; D.R.Congo (4) - Sister Kakudji, Elder Kankonde, Elder Pala, Elder Mbayo; Cameroon (1) - Sister Gweth; Ivory Coast (10) - Sister Kakou, Elder Adou, Elder Koffi, Elder Gba, Elder Tchimou, Sister Irie, Elder Loukou, Elder Niambe, Elder N'Dri, Elder Bah; South Africa - Elder Moloi, Elder Musetsi, Elder Mogodi. Within the group we have three Elders (Waite, Essien, Mogodi) each of which comes from a different country (America, Nigeria, South Africa) - we call it our "Mini UN". Because of the odd number (31) - they are serving as a threesome and what a great adjustment they have had to make - each from a different country, speaking English with a different accent, having completely different cultural backgrounds and tendencies, and yet as missionaries and servants of our Father in Heaven, they have achieved a unity and respect that should be admired by all. We appreciate them all and feel a great deal of potential and cooperation evident in this fine group of missionaries.