Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Our "Frenchy" Group

Sorry it was so long between blogs - the internet combined with the blog site has been giving us some difficulties - anyhow - here goes!!!
This is the first group we have had with more French speakers than English speakers - as far as going to English or French speaking missions they were divided exactly in half - 15 each, but one of the Elders going to the Uganda Mission came from the Congo and was going to speak English as his mission language so that consideration gave us 16 french speakers. It was quite a demanding experience - usually we are putting out headphones for 6 or 8, but we ran through an entire box of 9 V batteries with this large a group and the amount of translating we had to do - at one time we debated about translating into English instead of french, but most of our films are English based and dubbed french, so we stayed with our routine.
Aside from the Congo, (both DR and Rep) we had missionaires from Zimbabwe, South AFrica, WEst Africa - nine countries all totaled up. Two Brothers from the Ivory Coast (Doane's) makes about the third time we've had brothers, or brothers and sisters in the MTC at the same time.

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