We had to wait an extra week to publish the picture of this group of missionaries because we had all sorts of woes getting them here - happily none of them were serious, just aggravating. It is a group of 35 - our second largest group - and they are wonderful missionaries. They represent 10 different countries: Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, IVory Coast, LIberia, D.R. Congo, Republic of Congo, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, South Africa and are a great group of missionaries. 15 of them speak french and 20 of them speak English. We are sending one of them (a sister) back to Madagascar to serve her mission (in french). Air Kenya had some plane problems - the flight from Niarobi with all our Congolese on was 6 hours late - then the same plane was six hours late bringing our Sierra Leone missionaries in (2 AM in the morning). Nigerians missed the early flight came in on the afternoon - our Zimbabwe missionary had visa problems - didn't get here until late Wednesday night - anyway - such is life in Africa when you have to depend on airlines..... but we are enjoying them. Didn't get anything going uintil 8:30 AM on Saturday instead of 2:00 PM Friday as scheduled - we many have to review the entire program if flights become so undependable.
# posted by Ghana Gazette @ 1:54 PM