Eighteen missionaries - but not all arrived on time (which is not unusual - one was delayed going through Ethiopia - Airlines didn't dare land in Addis-Ababa on the scheduled day) - the other was one of our 3 Tongans who somehow missed his plane and was delayed two days. Once he got here we actually had four out of the eighteen that were Tongans (Elder Maumau has moved to New Zealand, but is still proud to be Tongan). The definitely added a little different flavor to the group as their ways, habits and language are not the same as west Africans. As well coming in from the area outside West Africa we had one from Uganda, Then our West Africans were from Nigeria and Ghana. The group is highlighted by the second visit of Sister Mensah (seated next to Sister Nielson) who came last fall to help us with just one English speaking sister so she'd have a companion. As it happens, she came one group early this time also to help us with exactly the same problem, but this time as a full time missionary and not a fill in. Sister Nielson was so unhappy that she had to wait so long for her call - she thought the papers had been lost, displaced, etc...., but as it turned out, she didn't turn 21 until about two weeks ago.
# posted by Ghana Gazette @ 7:52 AM