This is George Ofosu - and his bride as of last Saturday (Ernestina Asare). George was one of our teachers here at the MTC when we first arrived and taught all of last year for us. He is a wonderful person. This wedding didn't have all the pomp and circumstances of the other two we attended recently, but it had all the traditions and customs including the screaming and screeching associated with the groom and bride kissing at the end of the ceremony. Since the church at Nsawam is under construction it was held in a rented hall, so the reverence factor wasn't much of a factor at all. In telling us how to get there, Barbara had the impression it was about 15 minutes north of Accra - in reality (given traffic and roads) it was closer to an hour and fifteen minutes - however, marriages are usually an hour late getting started and when we arrive (about an hour and fifteen minutes late) the first speaker was going on in Twi, and then the second one went on (for about 40 minutes) in Twi, and then the former Stake President went on in Twi - we didn't understand much of what was said, but enjoyed watching all the others enjoy it as well. It was very nice to see George take this step... We are very glad it wasn't our last wedding, we just avoided a very serious accident between a greyound type bus and a mid-sized tro-tro - we could easily have been caught right in the middle of the two of them as they collided - but fortunately the bus passed us rather than hit us and struck the tro tro - we were a little shook up - too shook up to think to take a picture, but not too shook up to thank God for protecting us. Not sure we'll be verturing too far afield again for marriages - or anything else for that matter.
# posted by Ghana Gazette @ 12:26 PM