Christmas eve at the Ghana MTC - and a very special program was held for our Christmas Elders and Sisters and for the staff and their families - over 70 people were in attendance. Sister Nielson not having access to her own Grandchildren to enact Luke (the Christmas Story) enlisted the help of the staff members families - and a great variety of people showed up - Samuel the Lamanite (left) Three wise men, Joseph and Mary and Baby Jesus - angels and shepherds galor and all decorated in the traditional robes, sheets, tinsel and ties from all sources. Interspersed with the enactment of Luke were the traditional Christmas carols, sung in part by a great missionary choir (see photo below). The first time or two they sang, we thought we would be importing music for the program, but they improved so much over the two weeks they were here, that they added a great spiritual touch to the program. In fact, the next day they sang at a local baptism and thought perhaps they would go out caroling in the neighborhood - but time did not permit that. But thanks to Sister Nielson a wonderful event took place
One of the interesting things about the program was that for almost everyone in attendance (missionaries and staff) it was the first time they had ever seen the nativity acted out that way - they were very touched and excited and perhaps we've done just a little bit to start a Christmas tradition here in West Africa.
We apologize that this is so late coming to the blog...we have entered it twice, but our internet has been down pretty much steady since Jan. 1.
# posted by Ghana Gazette @ 11:00 AM