Sunday, October 08, 2006

This group was highlighted by only one Elder from outside Africa - Elder Hannis from England. How well he fit in with the group and how very much they appreciated him. I believe you can spot him in the photo. It was our largest group of Congolese that we've had -9 of them from Kinshasa, Brazzaville, Kananga,, and Lubumbashi. Also highlighting this group was our first missionary from Ethiopia - Elder Megerssa - what fine young man. His conversion story is a good one - they don't have full time missionaries in Ethiopia so the branch missionaries were the ones who converted them. Their door opener was "Would you like to go to America?" - He says that that really interested his father, but once they went to the meeting with the missionaries the spirit took over, and going to America became a minor matter of little or no importance. His family is now a strong element in the church at Addis Abba. Other countries represented in this group are: South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana and Zimbabwe. We had to recruit one extra sister to come and be a companion with the only English speaking sister - Sister Mensah from the Tema 2 ward - she is preparing for a mission and we expect to see her here again during our stay at the MTC.