Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Twin Testifiers

We've had a brother and a sister come together to the MTC, we've had family members a week or two apart, but with this group we had twins - identical I would say - you too as you look at the picture. They are the Elders Otuonye - Gospel and Miracle - born in that order, hence perhaps the names. I was going to title the article Twin Towers, but they both stand about 5 ft. 2" so we had to come up with another expression. They are both musically inclined - played the piano when Wayne wasn't available, led the music, lead the laugh patrol when the opportunity presented itself and were just two wonderful young men to have here for the past 16 days. They both hail from Okpuala Ngwa Nigeria and Gospel will be serving in the Nigeria Lagos Mission and Miracle is headed for Nigeria Ibadan Mission, so at least the two mission presidents won't have to tell the two of them apart. Just looking at the picture now, I can see that we could have told them apart by the length of the tie they wore - never noticed that at the time!!!

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