Saturday, June 03, 2006
Trees of Ghana
These pictures are not particularly exciting - in fact there isn't much happening in either of them - other that two of the beautiful trees that grow in Africa - the one on the left is a substitute picture - we had taken a shot of a more blossomed out red tree with Barbara in the picture and guess what - I hadn't down loaded it when our visitor got away with my camera, so using the MTC camera we got a sub, but Barb declined to get in the picture. The blossoms are very red and fall off the tree a lot like leaves - there is a yellow tree just coming into bloom right night - we'll try and get a picture of it when they get more blossoms - we see a lot of them on the highway between here and Accra. The fan palm trees are on the temple sight - the walk ways down both sides of the temple are lined with these beautiful trees - they do require quite a bit of maintaining for as the fans get older the end (or edge) ones have to be trimmed off and the next ones just unfold in their place. The effect on a walkway is very striking. So enough already from an illiterate horticulturist!