Well we all gathered at the LaPalma Hotel for our semi annual training under the direction of our fearless leader and were instructed in the best ways to carry out our missionary responsibilities here in the West AFrica Area. Discussions were serious and those with the words (that's french for speaking) were very serious and intent on their topics.
A few took advantage of the time for a little self grooming, meditating and overall primping in the warm sunshine between speakers - but not everyone was so blessed to have paid for the extra special house massage and "haut coiffure". OH GOSH, THE MACHINE LOADED THE WRONG PICTURES - EXCUSE ME!!!!
This looks better - just a bit more like some of the group we spent the day with up on the Volta River - In the pictures are the Stones, the Gays, the Dills (short man by Sister Nielson, his wife in front of Sister Nielson - in between is Sister Booth with her husband on the back row behind her - then the Nielsons and next to us are the Harpers (his father is our neighbor in Mt. View!) The native couple of the front row next to the pink blouse are the Onleu's from Ivory Coast and the next (pink blouse and husband behind) are the Olikoni, and on the end is Elder Odume (Area Authority) the Owens and the Nelsons finish out the back two rows - all very wonderful people - those not in the picture were probably out front trying to take the picture or in the hotel checking on eating arrangements.
# posted by Ghana Gazette @ 1:16 PM