Friday, May 05, 2006

Here is our boat - will hold about twenty people - will float (actually its got a motor) for an hour on the river (we hope).
This is the follage along the one side of the river - love the big tall trees and the greenery that is part of this area of Ghana.
This is the other boat that had the other half of our group on - if you'll notice the dark clouds in the background - this was a storm moving in and before we got back to the docking area we were being buffeted with strong winds and a fairly heavy rain storm - oh how very exciting for me!!!!!
The other side of the river backed onto a town and many of the homes were right down by the river. Various activities such as washing clothes, washing selves, fishing net repairs - fishing boats, etc were visible - this picture is somewhat blurred, but gives a little idea.
These fellows were out in their boat -had been setting up fish nets and doing some fishing, but the impending storm was driving them back to their homes - you can perhaps see the tree branches waving and the water churning up a little. Several of them had one person paddling and one person bailing out water - I guess they are not all entirely waterproof. We arrived back at the dock safely and enjoyed a very wonderful lunch before continuing our somewhat "restful" trip back to Accra - we will write more later on our other visits of this day - it was a very welcome change from our routine.