Thursday, April 06, 2006
This is actually my new car - a little more reasonable in size - a lot more economical on the gas budget - and actually not too bad - it is a Toyota Avenissa - and it has both automatic and standard drive. If you want to switch from one to the other you can move the shift lever over to a row that has three different speeds on it L 2 D - and by shifting up and down on that row the car shifts to the appropriate gear - there is no clutch, so in a way its automatic, but you have full control (I guess - I haven't dared to try it yet - because the roads we drive on are so busy and congested you just don't feel much like experimenting. The head room is great - it is brand new (oh the smell) and we took the picture from this angle to show how great we are at repairing things. The second day we had taken it to Accra, we were in a stopped traffic snarl - no one moving very fast, and as we were waiting to move something bumped into the back of our car. I pulled over and got out and there was a motor bike that in its weaving and dodging in and out had hit us on the back bumper/fender. The fender was knocked loose and had about four white stripes on it from the bike. As routine I took the name and address and phone number of the driver of the bike (not sure how much was real, but the young fellow seemed really sorry and scared) I sensed there would be no insurance to help nor funds forthcoming, but I tried my best to put the fender/bumper back on - somewhat achieved it, but we drove home very slowly for fear the bumper might come lose and get run over. However, once home, we were able to clip it back into place, use a little paint thinner on the white stripes and lo and behold - can't even tell my brand new car has been in one accident already. Sister Nielson claims she arranged to have it delivered as my birthday present and is anxiously awaiting her birthday in July to see what I do to reciprocate .......Maybe a 54 inch television set?????
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