Our fourth group - only 14 missionaries, but 14 very welcome missionaries after our previous group with twice that many in it. This group was different in many ways - first of all, nine of them had already been to the temple, so there were only 5 going for the first time - and that was nice since the temple closed after the first week they were here - so they had to go twice during the first week - nice to have the majority knowing a bit about it all. Not an extremely diversified group - there are three from Ghana, two from South Africa and the rest (9 I believe) from Nigeria. One challenge we have faced more with this group than any other is a problem with literacy. Without using names, one elder was unable to complete his entrance ("getting to know you") form - he went several days without turning it in and then we discovered he wasn't able to do it - Another took several days to complete it, but when it came in it was very disjointed and lacking much in the way of continuity or unity. Some are struggling with language skills as well...and the teachers say that they can do it all very well in their own language. President Snow had asked me just a week prior to them coming if I had any thoughts about minimum academic standards - I guess it was hard to answer because so many "unscholastic" types can become very good missionaries by learning the using the spirit in doing the work - and with this new program, reading to memorize is not a high priority, but ;knowlege is and knowledge comes through study - well, they are both struggling quite noticeably, but we will do all we can to get them ready for the real world or proselything. The older sister on the front row was converted to the church and the day she was baptised she received a call to be the Primary President in her ward. The good news is... that when they leave the MTC their companion will be experienced and will continue to train and aid them in becoming first rate missionaries. We love this work.
# posted by Ghana Gazette @ 6:30 AM