Sunday, February 12, 2006
THE LARGE and the small OF IT ALL
One of the challenges facing an MTC President is to assign companionship by a name on a piece of paper, having absolutely no idea what type of a person has ownership of those names. And so in our First Official group of missionaries were two names: Elder Aniebiet Akpan John and Elder Nafetaiai 'Ahotau Me'afo'ou one from the Etinan Stake in Nigeria and one from the Nuku'alofa Tonga Ha'akame Stake in Tonga. Chances were that our Tongan Elder would be a good size, but Elder John was an unknown. Well much to our surprise, Elder Me'afo'ou was a good size - About 6'4" and probably around the 325# mark. His companion in contrast was about 4'8" tall and even soaking wet wouldn't weign 100 pounds. And they were assigned to be companions - which initially seemed quite amusing, but they were missionaries, accepted the assignment and became (as nearly as we could tell) good companions. It was very evident from the start that no one would make fun of Elder John's diminutive size or they would have to answer to his companion with whom no one wanted to tangle. And so the LARGE and the small of it all became a 16 days phenomenon here at the Ghana MTC. What wonderful missionaries and sports they are.