Wednesday, February 08, 2006

This was about all we were able to say as the Nielson's arrived and the Ritchie's departed Ghana with 18 wonderful missionaries, 5 teachers and the MTC Manager Eugene Engmann caught in the middle of the change. Luckily we were able to get the group together and take a coming and going picture. The two relaxed individuals seated on the chairs to the left with visions of 1/4 pounders dancing through their heads are the Ritchies - On their way home after two years of wonderful, dedicated service to the young missionaries of West Africa - the other couple, upright and uptight, are the Nielson's - just getting their feet wet and wondering what the next two years will bring. In the Picture also on the back row left side three of our teachers: Brother Baidoo, Brother Koomson, Sister Ompomah, and on the right side are Brother Ofosu and Eugene Engmann. The rest are are wonderful group of 6 Sisters and 12 Elders - note the one white countenance on the back row - that is Elder Morgan from Florida - game as can be trying the Ghanain food and mixing and absorbing the African customs. In the background is the MTC building - three stories high with wonderful up to date modern conveniences - full sized cafeteria, shower rooms and bedrooms for the Elders, and apartments for the girls with private restrooms - all have fans, but only the classrooms and chapel are airconditioned in order to help those not used to sleeping in warm weather make the adjustment. The last two windows on the second floor are the President's apartment which is very comfortably furnished.